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Premier Plastic Surgery was established in 2001 by a leading board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Heil. His hair loss center offers Cleveland various services specifically for men because he understands male concerns and will collaborate closely with you to achieve the results envisioned – focusing on a vastly improved, very natural look.

We’ve earned a solid reputation for offering the most advanced, state-of-the-art treatments and technologies to help men look and feel their best. We do it all, and we do it specifically to suit the male face and body.

The full concierge approach

You deserve the best service Cleveland offers. We have set ourselves apart by maintaining a full team in-house; we do not “rent” technicians like other practices do, producing the highest safety and complete consistency. Our procedures are all-inclusive, with no hidden fees or additional supplies you’ll need.

To provide the full concierge service, we offer the following:

  • Both flexibility and predictability in scheduling
  • 24/7 personal hair concierge available at (724) 330-3203, from your first question until the last transplanted hair grows back in
  • For patients coming from a distance, our team can handle arrangements for lodging and transportation upon request

Hair Transplant

Dr. Heil offers the best hair transplant options in Cleveland. Premier Plastic Surgery has the most extensive services, from procedural intervention to basic minimally and non-invasive techniques and prescription-based supplemental approaches.

We are a global luminary training site for our technologies, techniques, and the overall process. As the third largest volume of successfully completed grafts globally annually, we have produced the following:

  • Since 2018:
    Over 1.2M ARTAS Robotic Grafts
    385 ARTAS Cases as of 2/24/23
  • Since 2011:
    Over 1.8M NeoGraft Automated Grafts
    716 NeoGraft Cases as of 2/24/23

While the average cost is $14,500, the procedure can be as low as $4,500. Because transplantation is not always necessary, we pride ourselves on offering multiple hair loss treatment options.

Hair Restoration Cleveland

PRP Hair Therapy

PRP hair therapy is a regenerative treatment that triggers dormant hair follicles to once again begin producing healthy strands of hair, perfect for men who are dismayed to see the early signs of hair loss starting to appear. Best of all, PRP is easily paired with other treatments for comprehensive hair restoration.

Hair Loss Medication

Several medications are proven effective in treating hair loss. We have evaluated every product so we can offer several different options to our patients, often prescribed in conjunction with another hair restoration treatment for better results. You deserve our customized hair restoration treatment, including the medication that will be most effective for you.

Low-Level Light Therapy

We use a particular type of light wave's almost magical properties to prevent hair loss. With no pain, scarring, or side effects, this state-of-the-art treatment with light positively influences natural hair growth.


You can avoid surgery and restore your hairline simultaneously. As a minimally invasive hair restoration system, NeoGraft restores areas of thinning hair without scalpels, stitches, or a linear scar while creating a natural-looking hairline. The method involves minimal discomfort and a short recovery time and produces exceptional results.

The NeoGraft system uses the FUE (follicular unit extraction) process to gently remove individual hair follicles from the back of the head, where the follicles are programmed for long-term survival. These follicles produce from one to four hairs. The extracted follicles are then carefully and artistically implanted in the thinning or balding areas for a more vital, masculine look.

Hair Restoration Cleveland

ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant

The ARTAS system is FDA-cleared and a groundbreaking innovation in hair restoration technology. Restore your hairline or fill in thinning or balding areas without the plugs, pain, and stitches of older hair restoration methods. Virtually pain-free, fast, with a fast recovery – ARTAS is the modern solution for hair loss.

You will work closely with Dr. Heil in creating your new look with the ARTAS hair studio, which allows you to see a 3D visualization of your restoration treatment results with a hairline and look that perfectly suits you. After, the Recipient Site Making digital mapping feature allows for the robotic harvesting of healthy, strong hair follicles to protect your existing healthy hair.

Dr. Heil is the only provider of the ARTAS robotic hair transplant system in the tri-state region – he wants his patients to have the best hair loss treatment Cleveland offers. Why not take advantage of digital technology and restore your hair to an entirely natural look that does not involve a long, unpleasant recovery?

Hair Restoration Cleveland

Dr. Brian Heil

Dr. Brian Heil is a leading board-certified plastic surgeon for men in Cleveland and has been selected as a Castle Connolly “Top Doctor.” He has authored or co-authored many publications and presented information at plastic surgery meetings. His Pittsburgh practice is recognized as one of the most popular places for men to achieve their goals in hair restoration and face and body enhancements. Dr. Heil has also been named "Top Beauty Doctor" by New Beauty Magazine for the fifth consecutive year, the leading magazine in cosmetics.

He started transplanting in 1996 with the strip method but never advertised it as part of his practice and only performed upon specific request because he didn’t like leaving patients with the awful strip scar. As such, Dr. Heil Only began integrating as a significant part of the services offered whenever the NeoGraft Automated FUE technology emerged.

At the Center for Hair Restoration, Dr. Heil stays on the cutting edge of groundbreaking advances in hair restoration technology. Instead of sticking with older, traditional methods, Dr. Heil seeks out the most advanced and effective technology to restore hair for men. Dr. Heil was the first plastic surgeon in the tri-state area to offer ARTAS hair restoration and NeoGraft. He is in such high demand for his hair restoration program that he recently added a second ARTAS robot to expand his procedure availability.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Heil.

Hair Restoration Cleveland

Visit Our Family of Sites

Acqua Blu Medical Spa
Hair Restoration Pittsburgh
The Aesthetic Society
American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
Robert H. Ivy Pennsylvania Plastic Surgery Society
American Board of Plastic Surgery
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons
Castle Connolly Top Doctors
American Institute of Plastic Surgeons

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